Sunday, May 31, 2015

Save games

Yes, there's now saving. The feature that you've been waiting for since Action Gamemaster. 

In the text box, you enter the name of your slot. Then, you can save/create a slot by that name if you press the Save button, or load a slot with that name.

A list of all the currently saved slots will be coming soon. I'll probably make it a separate layout from the Inventory.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Currently working on the programming for defensive items like shields, armor and stuff.
Each attackable thing has a "defense" variable, which determines the percentage of the damage that is blocked, for example, if the defense is 0 and an attack is equal to 10, then the damage is 10, but if defense is 20%, then 2 damage is taken off from the attack, resulting in an 8 damage attack. 

This all means that, well, Jon ain't gonna equip just weapons anymore.

Friday, May 8, 2015

First sounds

Working on basic sound. While with the graphics, I'll try to make them look as good as I can with my materials, the sound will remain on a consistent style, mostly reminiscent of the NES/Commodore 64 sound. Here's some of the sounds I may be using.