Saturday, February 28, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I've been working with Mashed Potato Samurai for a long time to deliver this


In all seriousness, this took a long time to do and it's just as worthwhile as doing the game in my opinion, if I don't extend my skillset and change up my routine, I may start to suck at designing games.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"You're incompetent, I'll cut your salary if this continues" - My employer Jacques


This is an all new location, and it's gonna be as big as Elf's World. And of course, what's a Dinocity without a Cin-


please help me find cindy

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"I'm sick of your shit" - Jacques

Here's a screenshot of what I've been doing these past 3 days:

Wh-why are you looking at me like that? L-Look, just don't tell Jacques, okay?! He's gonna make me go through that!


Monday, February 16, 2015

Totally normal update

So, I'm finally done with the desert area. I made all the random layouts and stuff. And here's a video describing it.

Oh by the way

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Towel Mountains

New location: Towel Mountains. Here you fight GAAHBLINS, AAAUUGHH. They're really scary, but not the Toddler one. He's dead. I'll add more stuff daddy stop beatin me please

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


New enemy: L.O.G. He hangs around randomly in the Clock Desert. One misstep to the wrong side and you might run into him. You can challenge him at any time in the game, however, when you first meet him, you're nowhere near as strong as him.
To have a chance to beat him, you can try to just go on and get stronger as the game progresses. Or, you can use a special weapon against him. Hint: Something like it appeared in JonTron's Nuts And Bolts review.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Important update regarding this devlog

It's been a fun time, making this game, doing screenshots, writing mediocre jokes and displaying my progress, and I started doing that exactly 21 day ago. Now, I know that sentence sounds like I'm quitting, but I'm not.

I've been trying to make posts every single day, and I've been working every single day so that there would be things to show. That is a good way of approaching devlogs. It basically means that people can rest in peace and not worry that I stopped caring about the project and haven't quit, and it's also a big motivation for me, because I don't want to let anyone think I quit.

 However, the game will come out at some point in time. And when that time comes, I want to surprise people. I want them to explore this world I've created, and be surprised at all the secrets, quests, items and easter eggs they've never seen before. And if I give away pretty much everything I do, when the game finally gets a demo, you won't be as surprised about my items, quests, challenges, people, riddles and all that fun. The developing team itself spoiled everything to you! That's why the daily posting won't work anymore. Well then, what will I do?

I'm not going to stop posting updates, either. That's why, at least for the time being, devlog posts will be done each 3 days instead of each day. I don't know what time interval is best for me yet, so I'll stick to 3 days and see how that works out.

Also, also, also, also also alsos asloslo sllsprrrrrrrrrrft

You didn't think I would forget to do the actual update after all that, didn't you?!

This is the Chocolate Milk River. After you get the item that lets you draw water from it, you can get chocolate milk, which is this game's equivalent of health potions. There are other ways to interact with the river, like crossing it, drinking from it with your bare hands, talking to it, or sinking into it. And as many people may tell you, Malkovich does isn't approve of such a stupid shit!

The game also has map progression. What is that? Well, you start out in the village, and you can't visit the river or the desert, but after you go through the first battle in the game, Smite Plains(I need a better name), you will be able to visit the river and the desert, who are adjacent to the Plains on the map. It's like in Elder Scrolls, where you have to go to landmarks to then be able to teleport to them. UNLESS YOU JUST USE A CARRIAGE OR TELEPORT TO A CITY YOU'VE NEVER BEEN IN AND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW THAT EVEN COULD WORK WHAT THE FUCK OBLIVION, YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SH

The next update will be posted on 10th of February. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

The dessert?????

This is the desert. When you go to one of the 3 selections, you go to one of the random desert layouts, and each may or may not have something in them, like an item, an enemy or an Avian ally. After a random amount of layout switches, you will reach the end of the desert, and you'll be close to the Towel Mountains, within which Orphan Lake is carefully hidden (It's not like you can't see it on the map).

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I forgot to name this post

There are now some solid obstacles in the game, like logs and trees. You can't go through them, however, enemies can't see you when you're behind them. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Magic Buals

There's now one magic spell, you can cast generic firebuals. The orange box creates a firebual. It's gonna be a graphic later I promise

I'm not sure what kind of limiter I should put on magic. There's the mana, which replenishes every second while in the map, and there's also the Candy Box 2 way of doing it, which is every spell is put on a 6 second timer no matter what kind of spell it is, which actually is very balanced. 


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Oh shit almost forgot to do a post

Right now, I'm editing the DF map and making clear zones, like forests, mountains, deserts and plains. What you're seeing here is me having Elf's World edited. Yeah, that's a lot of desert right here for an elf.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Has it really been just one day

I'm working on item descriptions. When mousing over a place, you get its name, so I intend to make the same thing with items, except that the game's going to provide a long description to the item. Uhh, sometimes.