Friday, March 27, 2015

I am back!

Guess who's back! Hell yeah! I can go back to the development of  Point and ech I have no idea what to call this game. New this week:

What in bloody shoddy sod gods are those poorly drawn things on the right, you may ask. Well, those are doors, in a sense. They are solid and you can't go through them. In some battles, you absolutely must kill all the enemies before these "doors" are destroyed. This is made so that players couldn't be able to bypass any of the enemies of this game, because if they do, that means the players won't have the items required to beat that battle layout, and the areas that come after that battles are designed around the player having those items. And the players that bypassed the required items and enemies can be potentially fucked.

Now, if you for some reason need to grind Apples in battles, that may get tedious, as not all enemies get as much reward per the speed of them dying, and this system can get tedious. That's why I'll try my hardest to design my battles around both the times you need to grind through them and around actually conquering them for the first time. But for now, Towel Mountains gets this.

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