Saturday, January 17, 2015

Welcome to die


This the official blog for JonTron: The Game, to be released on ECHSBAX. You can stay a while... or stay forever!
Here I'll post updates about the game, or share something funny about the development of the game or just fuck with your minds. I would make this Dev Log on TIG Source, but well, I feel like these people won't... appreciate the idea. The forum is filled with classy gentlemen, that would mildly despise the idea of such a foolish idea existing on their DevLogs forum. (Just kidding, I don't want anybody to create an account just to comment on a blog. I might post the game in the Playtesting forum when the game's finished, though.)

I'm up to suggestions about anything, especially the name of the game. I honestly have no idea how to call it, but it's definitely not going to be "JonTron Clicker" or "Ech Clicker". Don't even suggest anything close like that.

Here's a screenshot of the game, how it is right now:

What you can see:
1. Jon. You click on him, and he produces an Ech(imagine the most generic ech you can to get the idea)
2. The buttons. There's "Buy a bird", which is Jacque, and he has already been bought. To buy Spaghetti, you have to use 20000 echs.
3. The announcement text. This Text object generates a random string of text pulled from a csv file that has something to do with Ech, Jon, or my woes. As you progress through the game, you unlock more announcements to gaze upon, like it happens in the technical inspiration to this game.
4. Jacques. Yes he looks like ass. I'm not a scholar to draw as good as it requires me to draw Jacques. As I've said, I am not a scholar.
He was wandering around the Offscreen Land during the screenshot, so here's him in his fun glory:

"I do not feel glorious." - Jacques

I'll update the game soon, where I'll go through some generic balancing and make something playable and with a purpose.

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